Terms and Conditions
Once clicking “HIRE US NOW” and finalizing payment, the CLIENT has retained and employed TICKET
SHIELD, PLLC (herein “LAW FIRM”) to represent CLIENT for CLIENT’s case as it pertains to only the
informaNon entered on the “Submit Your Ticket” forms associated with the payment. Any and all fees paid
are non-refundable, and they do not include court costs and fines, if applicable. The court costs and/or
fines, if applicable, may exceed the price of representaNon or the price of the violaNon, and those court
costs and/or fines are the sole responsibility of the CLIENT. The non-refundable fee is not based on any
hourly rate, and is earned without delay by LAW FIRM. The fee does not include any appeals, when
applicable. Before conNnuing to finalize payment and representaNon, be sure of your intent to hire LAW
FIRM as the fee is non-refundable. LAW FIRM makes no representaNons or guarantees as to the likelihood
of success of CLIENT’s case. Further, when CLIENT hires LAW FIRM, they are not hiring any specific
aYorney, and there is nothing in the representaNon to specify which aYorney at LAW FIRM will handle
CLIENT’s case. Lastly, CLIENT acknowledges and authorizes LAW FIRM to subsNtute an aYorney that may
not be a part of LAW FIRM to handle CLIENT’s case.
- With the representaNon for this case, CLIENT permits LAW FIRM, in its sole discreNon and without
further discussion, to either enter a plea of no contest on behalf of CLIENT, or proceed with a plea of not
- CLIENT acknowledges and authorizes LAW FIRM to appear on their behalf as permiYed by applicable
jurisdicNonal guidelines.
- In some situaNons, when there is a conflict in scheduling, or an aYorney is unable to aYend a hearing,
certain counNes allow the represenNng aYorney to enter a wriYen plea for purposes of appearing. In the
rare situaNon where this occurs, LAW FIRM will do its best to secure a favorable outcome for CLIENT
without having an aYorney appear in person.
- CLIENT acknowledges and accepts the sole responsibility to inform LAW FIRM of all applicable changes
to their contact informaNon (i.e. address, email address, and telephone number). If LAW FIRM incurs any
addiNonal financial liability as a result of CLIENT failing to update contact informaNon, CLIENT is solely
responsible for said liability. CLIENT acknowledges and accepts the sole responsibility to take any and all
necessary steps to pay any court costs or fines, if any, to saNsfy any disposiNon. If CLIENT wants to obtain
a copy of their disposiNon, they may reach out to LAW FIRM or reach out to the Clerk of Court for the
County in which their violaNon occurred.
- CLIENT acknowledges that the aYorney represenNng them will handle the issues in court, and may be
in a different courtroom or hearing at the same Nme as CLIENT’s case, but will nonetheless cover and
handle CLIENT’s case; If CLIENT chooses to aYend the hearing and handles their case on their own, CLIENT
will not be refunded the fee paid to LAW FIRM.
- CLIENT acknowledges that, and fully understandsthat some violaNons do not permit CLIENT to pay their
Ncket or elect driving school. Examples of these situaNons are if your speeding Ncket is for thirty miles per
hour or more over the speeding limit, or passing a stopped school bus with its stop lights engaged. For
these situaNons, there is a mandatory court appearance for either the CLIENT or aYorney and CLIENT is
aware of the chance that their license might be suspended due to the facts surrounding the violaNon. LAW
FIRM does not guarantee any outcome, including a possible suspension of driver’s license.
- LAW FIRM makes no representaNon as to how the outcome of this case may or may not affect CLIENT’s
home state if they are licensed or reside outside of Florida. It is CLIEINT’s responsibility to check with
home state for any quesNons.
- CLIENT aYests that the informaNon provided on the “Submit your Ncket” form(s) is accurate and
complete. The Fee charged by LAW FIRM is based on those representaNons and informaNon provided.
Should the informaNon submiYed by CLIENT be incorrect or incomplete, including but not limited to
county of offense, date, charge(s), LAW FIRM may withdraw from representaNon, or charge addiNonal
fees. If LAW FIRM withdraws from representaNon, no refund will be issued for fee(s) previously paid.
- By agreeing to these Terms and CondiNons, CLIENT acknowledges and consents to LAW FIRM contacNng
CLIENT in the future via email, phone, text, or any other means of communicaNon. CLIENT will have the
opNon to opt out of future communicaNon(s).
- SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION – CLIENT acknowledges and understands that the scope of representaNon
provided by LAW FIRM is limited to the traffic infracNon(s) for which CLIENT submiYed informaNon, and
nothing beyond.
- By clicking on “HIRE US NOW”, the CLIENT warrants and represents that they are eighteen years or
older or are the legal guardian of a minor who received the citaNon(s) for which LAW FIRM is being hired.